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Webhook (Scrobbler)


Automatically add new Jellyin movie plays to Movary.


Requires the webhook plugin to be installed and active in Jellyfin.


  • Generate a webhook url in Movary for your user on the Jellyfin integration settings page (/settings/integrations/jellyfin)
  • Add the generated url in the Jellyfin webhook plugin as a Generic Destination and activate only:
    • Notification Type => "Playback Stop"
    • User Filter => Choose your user
    • Item Type => "Movies" + "Send All Properties (ignores template)"


Keep your webhook url private to prevent abuse.


Some features require access to protected personal Jellyfin data. You can authenticate Movary against Jellyfin on the Jellyfin integration settings page (/settings/integrations/jellyfin).


Requires the server configuration JELLYFIN_DEVICE_ID to be set.

During the authentication process a Jellyfin access token is generated and stored in Movary. This token will be used in all further Jellyfin API requests. When an authentication is removed from Movary, the token will be deleted in Movary and the Jellyfin server.


General notes:

  • Movies are matched via tmdb id. Movies without a tmdb id in Jellyfin are ignored.
  • Movies will be updated in all Jellyfin libraries.
  • Backup your Jellyfin database regularly in case something goes wrong!

Automatic sync

You can keep your Jellyfin libraries automatically up to date with your latest Movary watch history changes.


Jellyfin authentication is required.

If the automatic sync is enabled (e.g. on /settings/integrations/jellyfin) new watch dates added to Movary are automatically pushed as plays to Jellyfin. If a movie has its last watch date removed in Movary it is set to unwatched in Jellyfin.



You can export your Movary watch dates as plays to Jellyfin.


Jellyfin authentication is required.

Movary will compare its movie watch dates against the Jellyfin movie plays. Movies not marked as watched in Jellyfin but with watch dates in Movary are marked as watched and get the latest watch date set as the last play date. Movies already marked as watched are updated with the latest watch date as the last play date if the dates are not the same.

CLI command

php bin/console.php jellyfin:export <userId>



You can import your Jellyfin plays as Movary watch dates.


Jellyfin authentication is required.

Movary will compare the Jellyfin movie plays against its movie watch dates. Movies with multiple plays in Jellyfin are handled as one watch date, using the date of the latest play. Watch dates are added to Movary if they are missing, existing watch dates are not changed.

CLI command

php bin/console.php jellyfin:import <userId>