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How does the backend work?


When someone visits Movary, a request wil be sent to the Router, which is configured via /settings/routes.php.

To add a new route, go to the file settings/routes.php and add this new line:

$routes->add('<HTTP_METHOD>', '/your/url/path', [Web\Some\Controller::class, 'Method']);

Replace with either GET, POST, PUT or DELETE and put this line of code in either the addWebRoutes function or the addApiRoutes function. It should be in addWebRoutes if it's a route that the user will be visiting on the website and in the addApiRoutes if it's not.

Movary uses FastRoute to manage most of the routing stuff (only the middleware is added by us) and for more info, visit their git repo.


Middlewares are methods that check if the user is allowed to do this. For example, to check if someone is allowed to access the settings page, the middleware UserIsAuthenticated will be used and to check if the user is an admin, the middleware UserIsAdmin is used.

All the middleware are in the namespace Movary\HttpController\Web\Middleware and use the interface MiddlewareInterface.

Writing new middlewares

To add new middlewares, first create a new file like /src/HttpController/Web/Middleware/MyNewMiddleware.php.

Then copy-paste this in the new file:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Movary\HttpController\Web\Middleware;

class MyNewMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
    public function __invoke() : ?Response
        // Add your own code here

Change the class name and you're set to start writing your own middleware! The code in the __invoke() method is the code that will be executed if the middleware is added to a route and the route is visited by an user.

Adding a new middleware to a route

To add a middleware to a route, add the middleware class in an array to the $routes->add() method in a fourth parameter like this:

$routes->add('<HTTPMETHOD>', '/your/url/path', [Web\Some\Controller::class, 'Method'], [Web\Middleware\MyNewMiddleware::class, Web\Middleware\MyNewMiddlewareTwo::class]);

HTTP Controllers

The HTTP controllers are all located in /src/HttpController. These are the methods that will be executed when the route is visited.

The controllers for the website have the namespace namespace Movary\HttpController\Web and the API-related controllers have namespace Movary\HttpController\Web.

Data Transfer Objects (DTO)

Data Transfer Objects (DTO) are frequently used in Movary and can be found throughout the whole backend.

A DOT is used to transfer data between classes and processes in a statically defined typesafe manner (in opposite to for example arrays).

For a different (perhaps better) explanation, visit this Stackoverflow thread

Dependency injections, bootstrapping and the Factory

The basic bootstrapping of the application is configured in the bootstrap.php.

The bootstrap.php will create and return a PSR7 confirm ContainerInterface, containing the dynamic and manually configured dependency wiring. This is loaded in the public/index.php when processing a HTTP request or in the bin/console.php when processing cli commands.

If you need to wire a dependency manually (e.g. which implementation of an interface to use or depending on a scalar type) extend the definitions array in the bootstrap.php and create a factory method if necessary.