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Local development setup

First steps for local development setup:

  • Clone the repository
  • Copy the file .env.example to .env and customize it for your local environment
    • Set USER_ID to the UID owning the local files (echo $UID)
    • Add your TMDB_API_KEY
  • Run make build_development to create your local development environment
    • Build and start the development stage of the docker image from scratch
    • Mount project files in to the docker container (changes to files affect application in realtime)
    • Install composer dependencies
    • Create the database (sqlite on default)
    • Run database migrations
    • Create the storage symlink

The application should be up-to-date and running locally now.

Use the following cli commands to manage your local environment:

  • make up to start the application in production stage using SQLite (using docker volumes)
  • make up_mysql to start the application in production stage using MySQL (using docker volumes)
  • make up_development to start the application in development stage using SQLite (mounting local files)
  • make up_development_myqsl to start the application in development stage using MySQL (mounting local files)
  • make down to stop all containers
  • make app_database_migrate execute the database migrations
  • make app_jobs_process process the next job from the queue (see database table job_queue)

IDE recommendation: PhpStorm

We recommend to use PhpStorm and to import the Movary code style scheme (found at settings/phpstorm.xml). For import instructions see the official docs.

To apply the code style rules use at least the following features:

  • Reformat code (more info here)
  • Rearrange code (more info here)
  • Optimize imports


  • Please apply the code style rules for every file you changed
  • To find the default shortcuts for the features and/or customize search for them in Settings -> Keymap
  • If you use the PhpStorm UI for git you can execute the features automatically before every commit (Settings -> Version Control -> Commit -> Commit Checks)




We use Material for MkDocs for the documentation.

This is part of the default development docker compose setup and can be reached via

To adjust the documentation files look into the docs directory and the configuration of MkDocs is in mkdocs.yml.


Run make up_docs to start MkDocs. Set environment variable HTTP_PORT_DOCS to adjust host port.


Checkout the API docs via the url

This uses the schema defined in the file /docs/openapi.json. Please adjust openapi schema if you change the API.